Staying Inspired

Staying Inspired............

Recently I received an email from one of my students saying she was having a difficult time going to her studio painting now that she's not in a weekly class.  She also asked how I stayed inspired with my creativity.  

As artist we are all inspired to paint for different reasons.  I have always been a happy painter and found that during times of stress, loss of a friend, pet or loved one I had a difficult time going to the studio to paint.  Some of my other artist friends use their stress or depression to push through and create their art then.  I remember seeing an interview some years ago with a very well known country singer saying that some of his lowest times or break-ups pushed him into writing and creating some of his best music.  Talk about turning lemons into lemonade.  

Painting for me is a very spiritual activity.  Its a time for quietness and reflection.  Its about sharing your vision thats in your head and putting it on paper.  I tend to have all kinds of thoughts ramble through my head when I am painting.  Recently my dear friend Mary Alice Braukman NWS gave me a wonderful book "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield.  A couple of months went by and I finally picked up the book and started reading it.  This is a remarkable small book packed with a lot of truths and knowledge of how to stay inspired and break through some of those tough times.  I would highly recommend this to any of my students or artist friends.  This little book will forever remain on my night stand.  

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